Student Handbook

Aldrin Handbook for Agenda for 22-23


General Information

Aldrin school phone number: (847) 357-5400, Fax number: (847) 847-357-5401,
Student absence line: (847) 357-5402
* Secretaries are available between 8:00 AM and 4:00PM.

Absence Call-In System

Parents are to call the answering system between 4:00PM and 8:00AM to report their child’s absence or late arrival. The child’s name, your name, teacher, reason for absence, and date(s) of the absence(s) are needed. Using information supplied by the parents, the school will follow up on children who are absent but for whom no call was received.

School Hours

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: – 8:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Wednesdays Only: – 8:40 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
****School doors open at 8:30. Instruction begins at 8:40

Lunch Hours

First Lunch – 11:05-11:45 a.m.
Second Lunch – 11:50 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

Bicycles: Safety Policy and Rules

1. Bicycles must be parked in the bicycle rack.
2. Bicycles are to be walked on the driveway and/or walkway from the entrance at the street to the rack.
When going home, bicycles are to be walked from the rack to the street.
3. Bicycles are to be walked across a street at the crosswalk.
4. A chain or cable lock is strongly recommended to protect bicycles while at school. Please make sure your student can lock and unlock his/her own device.
5. Skateboards and roller blades are not allowed when entering or leaving school grounds.

Edible Treats/Invitations

Due to the numerous food allergies in our building, students are not allowed to bring edible birthday or party treats to share with classmates. Alternative ways to celebrate will be discussed during the curriculum night event held in August. Also, we know a number of our children host additional celebrations at home with friends and family. Unfortunately, we are unable to distribute invitations at school. Please find alternative methods to distribute party invites.


Students are instructed not to bring valuable equipment, collections, games, or personal items to school. Sums of money larger than required for school purchases should not be brought to school.


All visitors gain entrance by ringing the front doorbell at Door 1 and stating his/her purpose for coming into the building. At that time, he/she is expected to immediately report to the front office, sign in, and receive a visitor’s badge before going elsewhere in the building. Students who leave prior to the final bell must be signed out by a parent or designee on the log in the office.

Pets on School Property

In an effort to keep all children safe, please do not bring your pets on school property to drop off or pick up your student. We have numerous students with allergies, and varying levels of comfort with animals.

Emergency Procedures

There are occasions when school must be closed. On extreme weather days, we will use the district parent notification system to call and email parents. We use the numbers/emails you provided us in your registration. With that said, it is extremely important for us to have at least 2 working telephone numbers as well as an email address. Please make sure you update these with the office when they change. For additional information, please visit

Parent Portal/Access to Report Cards

School District 54 strongly encourages all parents/guardians to sign up for the District 54 Infinite Campus Portal. This is a website where parents/guardians can log in and view information about their children’s grades, assignments, immunizations, test scores and much more. It is also how parents access student report cards as well as registration for the upcoming year. The portal can be accessed by visiting the District 54 website at Simply click under popular links to access.


Academic and Behavioral Responsibilities

Aldrin School follows the District 54 Student Behavior policy. The goals and objectives of this policy are to provide effective discipline practices that: (1) prioritize the safety and dignity of students and staff; (2) maintain a positive, weapons-free, and drug-free learning environment; (3) keep school property and the property of others secure; (4) address the cause of a student’s misbehavior and provide opportunities for all individuals involved in an incident to participate in its resolution; and (5) teach students positive behavioral skills to become independent, self-disciplined citizens in the school community and society.

Aldrin will utilize a positive approach to discipline based on learning rather than punishment. Students are expected to be responsible for behaving in a safe manner and promoting a safe environment in their school. Students will respect the rights, needs and property of others. All federal and state laws regarding student conduct will be applied. Other district policies referring to and/or relating to student behavior will also be applied. Students are expected to be safe, respectful, and responsible within the school environment and on school buses/bus stops. The PBIS matrix specifies behavioral guidelines which encompass the following district-wide expectations:
▪ Students will act in a way that is safe and healthy for themselves and others.
▪ Students will treat school property and the property of others with respect.
▪ Students will respect the rights and needs of others.
▪ Students will take responsibility for their own learning.
▪ Students will be respectful of the learning environment and not behave in a disruptive manner.
▪ Students will follow all guidelines and usage rules regarding the use of the Internet.

Children who are having difficulty following expectations will work with our staff to correct the behavior. In these cases, the child will be given time with a staff member to reflect on the behavior and come up with a plan to change the behavior by exploring alternatives. Parents will be notified of the behavior and be asked to contribute to the plan by sharing how they will support their child. All consequences for behaviors will be restorative, logical and follow board policy.


Aldrin follows the District 54 policy on homework. This policy states that homework should be purposeful and meaningful. It should enrich or enhance school instruction and encourage the possibilities of self-directed learning by the student. It can be used to emphasize the importance of learning in settings other than the classroom. Homework may be graded and counted in the grading system. The purpose of homework is to enrich or extend school instruction, and to give the student the opportunity to maintain new learning through independent practice. Together, our parents and staff will need to work together to ensure homework is done on time to ensure continued academic growth. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have specific questions about homework. If homework completion becomes a problem, we will work with you to devise a plan to ensure continuous academic growth.

Bus Policy

Safety considerations do not allow for students to change buses. In order to ensure the safety and welfare of all students using the school buses, the following rules will be strictly enforced:
1. Stay seated during the entire bus ride.
2. Keep hands and feet to self.
3. Face forward in the seat with feet / objects out of the aisle.
4. Follow the bus driver’s directions.
5. Load and unload the bus in an orderly fashion.
6. Demonstrate appropriate and courteous behavior at the bus stop.
7. Eating and/or chewing gum are not allowed on the bus.
8. No cell phones or electronic devices should be used on the bus.

Consequences for Inappropriate Bus Behavior

1. Bus Drivers will report violations in the form of a written referral to the school office. Situations will be dealt with on an individual basis. Parents will be notified of all bus referrals.

2. The seriousness of the infraction will determine the response from the school. Consequences may include discussion to reteach behaviors, change in assigned seat, creation of a behavior contract. Patterns of misbehavior can result in a temporary or permanent suspension from the school bus.

Dress Code

Aldrin follows the District 54 policy on dress code. The Board expects a student’s dress and grooming to be neat, clean, and to meet health and safety standards. Clothing or appearance that is disruptive to the educational environment is prohibited. Students not abiding by the dress code will be required to comply before they can return to class. School administration will make the final interpretation of the dress guidelines.

Items Prohibited on School Sites

Problems arise occasionally when students bring articles or objects to school which are hazardous to the safety of others or interfere with instructional time. Items brought to school that are offensive or hazardous to other students or interfere with instructional time will be collected and returned to parents upon the parent’s request. Students assume responsibility for any item brought to school. Per school district policy, students are NOT permitted to use non-school issued electronic devices on school property or on buses unless permission is given from the building administration. This policy includes the use of cell phones. When the electronic device policy is not followed, the electronic device may be kept in the office to be picked up by a parent/guardian during office hours. If an electronic device is permitted by an administrator, the school assumes no responsibility if such item is
lost, broken or stolen.

Please note, all District 54 schools prohibit weapons as noted by the sticker on the front door.


Absences for any reason are disruptive to the educational process. Regular school attendance is vital for continuous academic growth. Absences from school, except for health reasons, should be kept to a minimum. Vacations and appointments should be scheduled before or after school or on days when school is not in session. Communication from parents is essential in maintaining accurate records of required school attendance. If absences become chronic (10% or more of the school year) or if your child misses several days of school for an illness, a note from a doctor can be required for the absences to be excused. If notes from a doctor are not received, your child’s absence will be unexcused and be considered truant thus resulting in administration working with the school resource officer to remedy the situation.

Parental calls are necessary in all instances where regular attendance is interrupted. Parents are requested to call the absentee reporting line (847-357-5402) by 8:40 a.m. indicating that their student will be absent and giving the reason for the absence. If parental contact is not made, the absence will be considered unexcused. If students miss more than 150 minutes of instructional time, not including lunch, they will be recorded as absent for a full day.

Please note, students who are absent will NOT be allowed to attend or participate in after-school activities on the day of their absence. Additionally, students must be in attendance for at least half of the day to attend or participate in after-school activities on that day.

Students should always follow this procedure when coming late to school:
1. Report to the Main Office
2. Obtain a pass to class
3. Report to class
*Students who arrive after 8:50 a.m. must be signed in by a parent.

Park Use during Arrival and Dismissal

For safety reasons, we do not have the children in the park without a parent or staff member present. If you need to pick your child up, we ask that you have your child wait on school property rather than in the park owned by the park district.

Parking Lot/ Street Parking

Safety is our number one concern; therefore, the Aldrin parking lot is closed to cars from 8:20 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. and again from 2:55 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. When dropping students off at school, we ask parents to use our drop-off zone which is located just to the west of our entrance to the parking lot. Children should only cross Boxwood using the marked crosswalk with the crossing guard. If students are being dropped off between 7:45 and 8:20, please drop them off at the front door. After 8:20, students will need to be dropped off in the drop-off zone or parents can park on the street. Please note, there are village signs posted on the streets closest to Aldrin about permissible parking. Abiding by these parking restrictions keep our students safe and will also eliminate the possibility of you receiving a citation from the village.

Picking Up Your Child during the School Day

If you must pick up your child before the end of the school day, you will need to come into school and sign your child out. If you know in advance, please communicate this to your child’s teacher. Students will not be released to anyone not listed on their emergency contact cards unless prior arrangements have been made with our front office by the parents/guardians. Staff in the front office will request a photo ID of anyone picking up a child with whom they are unfamiliar.

School Visitations/Volunteers

For the safety of our students, and to minimize disruption of the educational program, we request all non-emergency visits be scheduled in advance with the classroom teacher involved. Visitors will enter at Door 1. When entering the building, we ask visitors and volunteers to go immediately to the school office and pick up a visitor/volunteer badge.

Excuse from Physical Education/Recess

With written verification from you, your child may be excused from physical education or outdoor activities for one to a maximum of three days following an illness or accident. Any restriction for more than three days requires written verification from your doctor detailing the length and type of restriction.


Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive systems approach for creating and maintaining safe and effective learning environments in schools, and ensuring all students have the social/emotional skills needed to ensure their success at school and beyond.

Aldrin implements PBIS so we can recognize students for positive behaviors and encourage all students to make good choices. We have clearly defined behavioral expectations, and all students have our behavior matrix, called the Eagle Expectations. Our staff has been able to develop a unique system to ensure student success at Aldrin School. There are five basic components to our program:
● The Eagle Expectations Behavior Matrix – Specific Expectations for every student, parent and staff
member to follow
● Boosters – Lessons used to teach students the behavior expectations for every physical setting in the school
● Eagle Ticket System – An acknowledgement system recognizing students for following set expectations

The following is a brief overview of our system:

Eagle Expectations
Matrix of Aldrin Behavior Expectations
The Eagle Expectations fall under the following categories that we expect everyone in our Aldrin community to abide by: Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
It is our goal to make the Eagle Expectations as clear and specific as possible. The matrix is comprised of expected behaviors in every physical setting at Aldrin School as well as on our school buses. Since the system is set up to promote a positive environment, it is written to advise children on what they need to do and how to behave in each setting. Each of the three categories and respective expectations are on the matrix so children understand what it looks like to be respectful, responsible, and safe at Aldrin School. We have included the matrix for our students and community at the end of this handbook in order for you to refer to it on a regular basis. Our staff will continuously help our children learn and understand the behavioral expectations through teaching, modeling and practicing in order to ensure our students are able to apply them in every setting.

Quantum Learning

We will continue to use Quantum Learning and the 8 keys of excellence within our PBIS system. Bobbi DePorter, co-founder and president of Quantum Learning, states, “…it truly is about discovering our best selves through the 8 keys. When we make the 8 keys part of our lives there is a shift that happens.”
Here is a description of the 8 keys of excellence:
INTEGRITY – Match behavior with values
Demonstrate your positive personal values in all you do and say. Be sincere and real.
FAILURE LEADS TO SUCCESS – Learn from mistakes
View failures as feedback that provides you with the information you need to learn, grow, and succeed.
SPEAK WITH GOOD PURPOSE – Speak honestly and kindly
Think before you speak. Make sure your intention is positive and your words are sincere.
THIS IS IT! – Make the most of every moment
Focus your attention on the present moment. Keep a positive attitude.
COMMITMENT – Make your dreams happen
Take positive action. Follow your vision without wavering.
OWNERSHIP – Take responsibility for actions
Be responsible for your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. “Own” the choices you make and the results that follow.
FLEXIBILITY – Be willing to do things differently
Recognize what’s not working and be willing to change what you’re doing to achieve your goal.
BALANCE – Live your best life
Be mindful of self and others while focusing on what’s meaningful and important in your life. Inner happiness and fulfillment come when your mind, body, and emotions are nurtured by the choices you make.

The Eagle Ticket System

An Acknowledgement /Reinforcement System
Research indicates positive reinforcement is the most effective way to not only change behavior, but to encourage and maintain continuous appropriate behavior. In addition, the PBIS system uses consistent, positive reinforcements to celebrate students’ success with the Eagle Expectations. Students who demonstrate behaviors outlined on the behavioral matrix will receive tickets from Aldrin staff members. Once a student earns 20 tickets, they will have an opportunity to trade the tickets in for a card that can be used at the Aldrin PBIS store. Our merchandise allows children to buy privileges not typically afforded them. The fee of each privilege will vary. For example, the privilege of buying an additional gym time for your entire class will cost more than earning a small trinket. Our store rates will be posted in every classroom and children may choose to combine their completed stamp cards with classmates in order to purchase class privileges which are more expensive. Our staff is committed to recognizing children for following the Eagle Expectations. We are excited to allow children the opportunity to reap the benefits of their positive effort.

Teaching Eagle Expectations

One of the most important parts of the PBIS system is that behavior skills and expectations are taught directly to the students. In this way, students know exactly what is expected of them and how we expect them to behave at school and on the bus. The teaching of expectations will occur during our annual KICKOFF at the start of school. The children will model and practice how to behave at lunch, in the classroom, hallways, bathrooms, assemblies, playground and bus, which will continuously be reinforced throughout the year. Throughout the year, our teachers provide engaging booster activities to reinforce the expectations.

Behavior Documentation Process and Supports
Unfortunately, there will be times a student’s behavior does not align with the expected behavior despite explicit teaching reteaching and positive reinforcements. The severity of the behavior will determine the course of intervention. In order to keep you informed of recurring disruptive behaviors, the staff member involved will contact you via phone and may include your child in the conversation. Together you will discuss ways to change the behavior and the teacher will share the consequences that have been put in place at school. Our hope is that the adults will be able to problem solve with the student so the behavior does not reoccur. We will document each notification. If we notice a recurring pattern, we will work with you to put additional intervention in place. Any behavior which requires intervention at the administrative level (office managed) will always result in parent contact and a plan will be put into place to eliminate recurrence.
School Wide Problem Solving Model
Our school-wide problem solving model will include the SWAT technique. This technique is evidence based and has been adopted district wide. Students will be taught the school wide “stop signal” (verbal and physical action) for problem behavior. Sometimes, even when students tell others to “stop,” problem behavior will continue. When this happens, students are to “walk away” from the problem behavior. When students use “stop” and they “walk away” from the problem, sometimes students will continue to behave inappropriately towards them. If that happens, students must “talk” to an adult.
This technique will help students develop their problem solving and conflict resolution skills. As part of this process, children will also be taught how to react when they are asked to stop an inappropriate behavior (STOP, BREATHE and LEAVE). If there is a breakdown on the part of either student involved in the conflict, an adult will reteach the SWAT process. Posters outlining the steps are hung throughout the building to remind all students of the steps.

CICO Intervention System

The Check In-Check Out (CICO) process is an intervention to assist students who are struggling with behaviors which interfere with learning. Its primary goal is to identify students who need additional support to monitor behavior. It allows frequent adult feedback throughout the day in all learning environments as well as increases school-home communication.

Putting this system into place is typically based on behavioral data collected through documentation of parent contact regarding reteaching student expectations. However, if we find a child would benefit from frequent check-ins from an adult, it may be suggested a child be put on this system. Either way, the system is set up to build a strong relationship between a child and the adults who support the child.

If it is determined your child could benefit from this program, your child’s teacher will call you outlining the Check In-Check Out process. A staff member will meet with your student every morning and afternoon. During these brief meetings, the teacher will touch base with your student and talk about a daily goal directly connected to our Eagle Expectations. These meetings are meant to provide a positive and encouraging start and end to each day. 

To keep you informed and involved in your child’s progress, there will be contact with home every day via the CICO form. Parents are then able to encourage the child to remedy areas of difficulty and praise him/her for successes. We ask that you sign this document on a daily basis and return it to school the following day.