
August 12, 2024

The Aldrin drop off zone is the area on Boxwood next to Eagle Park. Only Eastbound traffic should access the drop off zone.  This zone is meant for parents to pull up and have their child exit on the sidewalk side of the vehicle.  Upon arrival at the drop off zone, please pull up behind the last car in line.  Please do not pull in front of cars that have been waiting.  

Help us move traffic along efficiently here by planning ahead.  To avoid having to get out of the car and retrieve items from the trunk, make sure that your child has his/her belongings within the car.    

Once your child exits the car and is on the sidewalk proceed east on Boxwood.   Help us to keep this flow moving and safe.  There should never be a reason to do a U-turn on Boxwood.

Thank you for assisting us in making this process as smooth as possible.